每个字母可以有一个或一个以上的读音,因此,美国英语共有50个音位,音位的书写形式是音位字母,即音标符号,一个音位字母即音标,表示一个音位。前元音/i ɪ ɛ æ//i/ 舌尖靠近下齿,舌前部上抬靠近硬腭,口型扁平,上下齿之间稍稍分开。
/ɪ/ 舌位中高,口型扁平,上下齿之间可容纳一个小指尖。/ɛ/ 舌尖靠近下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起,口型扁平,上下齿之间可容纳一个中指。
/æ/ 舌前部微微抬起,舌尖轻触下齿,双唇向两边平伸,张开口,上下齿之间可容纳一个食指和一个中指。后元音/ɑ ɑ ɔ ʊ u//ɑ/ 张开口,舌身平放后缩,舌面微微下凹,舌尖离开下齿。
/ɑ/ 口腔打开,口张大,舌头向后缩,双唇呈圆形。/ɔ/ 张开口,舌身低平后缩,双唇稍稍收圆,并向前突出。
凡发/ɑ/和/ɔ/的字母后有r字母时,一律加卷舌音,发音的最后,舌尖要卷起,并往后翻。/ʊ/ 舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌位中高,双唇收圆,稍稍向前突出。
/u/ 舌身后缩,舌后部尽量向软腭抬起,舌尖离开下齿,双唇收圆,用力向前突出。中元音/ʌ ɝ ə//ʌ/ 舌尖轻触下齿,舌中部稍抬起,牙床介于开与半开之间。
/ɝ/ 舌身平放,舌尖尽量向上齿龈卷起来,舌中部抬起,双唇向两边拉开,呈微笑状。/ə/ 舌端离开下齿,舌中部抬高,舌位中低,牙床半开,双唇略扁平而放松,是三个中元音中最放松的一个音,总是出现在非重读音节中。
合口双元音/e o aɪ aʊ ɔɪ//e/ 合口双元音,由/ɛ/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口型由介于半开半合之间向半合接近,元音字母a在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/e/。/o/ 合口双元音,由/ə/和/ʊ/两个单音组成,其发音也有一个动程,口形由半开到半合,元音字母o在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/o/。
/aɪ/ 合口双元音,由/a/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口型由全开到半合,元音字母i在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/aɪ/。/aʊ/ 合口双元音,由/a/和/ʊ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口形由全开到半合。
/ɔɪ/ 合口双元音,由/ɔ/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,双唇由圆到扁平,口形由半开到半合。集中双元音:/ɪr ɛr ʊr or//ɪr/ 集中双元音,由/ɪ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由半合到半开。
/ɛr/ 集中双元音,由/ɛ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,舌端抵住下齿,双唇由大于半开向略小于半开,/ɛ/这个音介于/ɛ/和/æ/之间。/ʊr/ 集中双元音,由/ʊ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由圆形到扁平自然,由半合到半开。
/or/ 集中双元音,由后元音和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由圆形到扁平自然。爆破音/p b t d k g//p/双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,让气流冲出口腔,声带不振动。
/b/ 双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,让气流冲出口腔,声带需要振动,但爆破力不强。/t/ 舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻塞,然后突然下降,让气流冲出口腔,声带不振动,吐气极强。
/g/舌后部上抬紧贴上颚,形成阻塞,然后突然下降,让气流冲出口腔,声带需振动,吐气弱些。摩擦音/f v s z θ ð ʃ ʒ r h//f/ 下唇轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙中通过,形成摩擦,由口腔而出,声带不振动,吐气较强。
/v/ 下唇轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙中通过,形成摩擦,由口腔而出,声带需要振动,吐气较弱。/s/ 双唇微微张开,舌端接近上齿龈,气流从舌端齿龈之间送出,声带不振动,吐气较强。
/z/ 双唇微微张开,舌端接近上齿龈,气流从舌端齿龈之间送出,声带需要振动,吐气较弱。/θ/ 舌尖轻触上齿背,放在上下齿之间,略略露出齿外,气流由舌齿之间送出,声带不振动。
吐气较强。/ð/ 舌尖轻触上齿背,放在上下齿之间,略略露出齿外,气流由舌齿之间送出,声带需要振动,吐气较弱。
/ʃ/ 舌端处于上齿龈后面,舌两侧接触上齿两侧,舌身与硬腭间形成较大的空隙,双唇分开,略成喇叭形,气流由舌身与硬腭间较大的空隙,形成摩擦,由口腔而出,声带不振动,吐气较强。/ʒ/舌端处于上齿龈后面,舌两侧接触上齿两侧,舌身与硬腭间形成较大的空隙,双唇分开,略成喇叭形,气流由舌身与硬腭间。
My name is *** and I major in Water Supply and Drainage Engineering. I choose this major because I find it quite meaningful and useful in our environmental protection.
我叫**,专业是*****。 我选择这个专业是因为我发现这个专业对于环境的保护是具有重要意义的。
Firstly, this major ensures a bright job prospects since its wide application in our daily life, such as construction activities, water drainage engineer, water supply engineer. I can work in planning department, design department, Environmental Protection Department, Research Institute and government branches after graduation.
More importantly, I choose this major because it deals with water which is where our life begins. Without fresh water, we human beings will no longer exsit. It is of vital importance for us to save every drop of water. Equipped with professional knowledge, I can design the best way to protect the fresh water and make use of the existing fresh water in a proper way.
We are the future successor of the world, so we are responsible for protecting the earth. As a university student, we should learn our specialty well and be a useful man after graduation.
Students concerned about the skills and how to get ready for the futureWhat are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: “knowledge is wealth”.The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one’s success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely “the normal heart”.5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other factors scientifically organize and effectively complete the task, this is our necessary ability.7, expression ability. A person wants to let others understand you,respect you, better play to your talent, the premise is to have shown their ability. When job hunting, write a letter, personal material, personnel recruitment, interview questions to answer, need strong expression ability.8, strain capacity. Graduates can’t be learned in school to work on all the knowledge and skills required, only adjust the mode of knowledge, ability and their own thinking and behavior, and make yourself always initiative.I think as long as you have the skills, in addition to employment information, pay attention to job skills and so on, we can prepare for the future, to meet all the challenges ahead! Students concerned about theskills and how to get ready for the futureWhat are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: “knowledge is wealth”.The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one’s success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely “the normal heart”.5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other factor。
Students concerned about the skills and how to get ready for the future What are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: “knowledge is wealth”.The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one’s success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely “the normal heart”.5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other factors scientifically organize and effectively complete the task, this is our necessary ability.7, expression ability. A person wants to let others understand you,respect you, better play to your talent, the premise is to have shown their ability. When job hunting, write a letter, personal material, personnel recruitment, interview questions to answer, need strong expression ability.8, strain capacity. Graduates can’t be learned in school to work on all the knowledge and skills required, only adjust the mode of knowledge, ability and their own thinking and behavior, and make yourself always initiative.I think as long as you have the skills, in addition to employment information, pay attention to job skills and so on, we can prepare for the future, to meet all the challenges ahead! Students concerned about theskills and how to get ready for the future What are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: “knowledge is wealth”.The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one’s success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely “the normal heart”.5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other 。
句子结构:主+谓语+宾语+定语+状语+补语这是最完整的,也是最复杂的句子,一般的有主谓宾就够成句子了,例句:I will meet my loved person tomorrow afternoon in the five star hotel Hilton.如果有从句的话,要看从句在主句中的位置而分为主语从句,宾语从句等。
I have a dream
Everybody has a dream. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future?Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much .
I think that I can sing on the stage. I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there . Although it is a tired job, I still love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular . That`s so interesting and exciting .
For my dream, I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly , I can`t wait! How about you? What`s your dream ?