
A framework of information technology-based agriculture information dissemination system to improve crop productivity 一种基于用于提高作物产量的农业信息传播系统的信息技术框架 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2005 当代科学,第88卷,第12号,2005年6月25日 P. Krishna Reddy* and R. Ankaiah 作者(印度)介绍 P. Krishna Reddy is in the International Institute of Information Technology,Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 019, India; R. Ankaiah is in the National Seed Project, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad 500 030, India. municated by SMS is described. The system has two types of warnings: Push-type warnings are sent regularly or when certain criteria are met, as specified by the user, while pull-type warnings are sent on the user’s request by SMS. A web-based DSS, which require data updated frequently by the user, has been enabled for operation by SMS. Applying widely distributed and well-known technology, the SMS systems make information and decision support available to the farmer whenever he needs it and wherever he is. The paper describes the SMS systems and analyses the uptake by users. piled and the language of presentation examined for each of the programme. The diversity of the languages in Nigeria presupposes that for farmers to have access to agricultural information through the radio and television, the language of presentation has to be based on that of the listeners. The study recommends that information sources to farmers should explore multilingual sources to ensure farmers’ access to agricultural information. Keywords: Multilinguality, agricultural information access, Nigeria, farm broadcast modities market 农业市场livestock 牲畜希望可以帮到你。


0201 经济学类

020101 经济学 020102国民经济管理

020103 统计学 020104 财政学

020105 货币银行学 020106 国际经济

020107 农业经济 020108 工业经济

020109 贸易经济 020110 运输经济

020111 劳动经济 020112 国际金融

020113 国际贸易 020114 税务

020115 审计学 020116 保险

020117 投资经济 020118工商行政管理

020119 土地管理

0202 工商管理类

020201 企业管理


020203 会计学 020204 理财学

020205 市场营销 020206 经济信息管理



020209 旅游管理 020210 物流管理

020211 海关管理 020212 商品学


经济类中,大多都比较重视英语水平的培养,因为大多经济专著都是国外的,其中最重的就是国际贸易专业了。不过,重视归重视,但是要求并不是很高,高考英语 90分以上学的很轻松 前提是要学~~


但是 对的 这个也有但是 有要求并不代表很难,大学的专业大多都是应用层次,不再会强求于语法和结构,大多会用会说就行。

所以 你随便选吧 只要不是学英语专业,英语都不难的。加油,希望你能选个适合你自己的专业
